This Kodak portrays 160 review is for the 35mm version. It also exists in 120mm, but I haven’t tried it yet. Portra 160 is a different film from the Portra 400. While Portra 160 might not be quite as versatile as Portra 400, here it is more than Okay in the daylight and the fine grain renders superbly. I really like the tone of the colors in all the pictures I’ve taken with it, and despite a little smoothness in the image, it’s really a wonderful film. Images are sharp, detailed and colors are homogeneous.

Portra 160 is cheaper brother of the Portra family, but from my point of view, it’s a really capable film, very versatile and really useable under bright light. It does not have the same colors as the beloved 400 but in bright and shiny days, it allows you to shoot at 2.8.
When it comes to metering, I’m setting my lightmeter to 100 iso and develop the film as a 160. Over exposing it gives me the colors I like, and a bit more depth.

All in all, Portra 160 might not be as popular as 400 but it works for al lot of subjects (under the right light), it is pretty flexible when it comes to metering and I would encourage anyone to put a roll in his bag to try it (and in case of low light, slow down the shutter speed….). If you found this Portra 160 review useful, please leave a comment below.
Films are developed and scanned by Carmencita Labs thanks to GPP. You can find other images of Portra 160 here and there.